Quick Start (Docker)

In this quick start we will setup a single node cluster using Docker. Setup requires 3 steps:

  • Create the dynomitedb_net network
  • Run the backend-redis container
  • Run the dynomite container

DynomiteDB automatically configures the dynomite and backend-redis containers to run as a single server cluster.

Install Docker

You must install Docker before running the commands below.

Mac and Windows users should follow the Docker installation instructions on Docker.com.

Ubuntu 14.04 users may install Docker using the Install Docker on Ubuntu 14.04 instructions.


Create a bridge network named dynomitedb_net. The dynomite server and the Redis backend (backend-redis) will communicate over this network.

docker network create -d bridge --subnet= --gateway= dynomitedb_net

Run the dynomite-backend-redis and dynomite containers.

Run the backend-redis container.

docker run --name backend-redis -h redis.dynomitedb.net --ip= --net=dynomitedb_net --add-host dynomite.dynomitedb.net: -d dynomitedb/backend-redis

Run the dynomite container.

docker run --name dynomite -h dynomite.dynomitedb.net --ip= --net=dynomitedb_net --add-host redis.dynomitedb.net: -d dynomitedb/dynomite

Run the client tools container to test

docker run -it --rm --ip= --net=dynomitedb_net --add-host dynomite.dynomitedb.net: --add-host redis.dynomitedb.net: redis:2.8.23 bash

Test network connectivity from the tools container to the Dynomite container.

ping -c 3 dynomite.dynomitedb.net

Test network connectivity from the tools container to the Redis container.

ping -c 3 redis.dynomitedb.net

Connect directly to the Redis container to ensure that Redis is working properly.

redis-cli -h redis.dynomitedb.net -p 6379

Enter the following commands at the redis-cli prompt. Expected output is shown below each command.

redis.dynomitedb.net:6379> set fname "Bob"
redis.dynomitedb.net:6379> set lname "Smith"
redis.dynomitedb.net:6379> get fname
redis.dynomitedb.net:6379> get lname
redis.dynomitedb.net:6379> quit

Next, connect to the Dynomite container.

redis-cli -h dynomite.dynomitedb.net -p 8102

Enter the following commands at the redis-cli prompt. Expected output is shown below each command.

Each of the commands below are sent from the redis-cli client to the dynomite server which then forwards the request to the redis-server backend.

dynomite.dynomitedb.net:8102> get fname
dynomite.dynomitedb.net:8102> get lname
dynomite.dynomitedb.net:8102> set fname "Bill"
dynomite.dynomitedb.net:8102> get fname
dynomite.dynomitedb.net:8102> quit

Exit the tools container.


Stop the dynomite and backend-redis containers.

docker stop $(docker ps -aq)