Quick Start (Ubuntu)

In this quick start we will setup a single node cluster on Ubuntu.

The DynomiteDB package automatically installs and configures Dynomite with a Redis backend in a single server configuration.

Install DynomiteDB

First, get the DynomiteDB gpg key.

apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys FB3291D9

Add the DynomiteDB repository to your list of apt repositories.

add-apt-repository "deb https://apt.dynomitedb.com/ trusty main"

apt-get update

Install DynomiteDB.

apt-get install dynomitedb

Congrats, DynomiteDB is now installed. You can now start to use DynomiteDB via the redis-cli client. Alternatively, you can use your favorite programming language and preferred Redis client driver.

Start Dynomite and the Redis backend

Our next step is to start a backend and the Dynomite server. We’ll start with the Redis backend.

Only one backend should be running per node.

Start the Redis server with the command below.

service dynomitedb-redis start

Next, start the Dynomite server.

service dynomite start

Connect to Redis

Connect directly to Redis to ensure that Redis is working properly.

redis-cli -p 22122

Enter the following commands at the redis-cli prompt. Expected output is shown below each command.

Create a key named fname.

set fname "Bob"

Create a key named lname.

set lname "Smith"

Get the value of fname.

get fname

Expected output: "Bob"

Get the value of lname.

get lname

Expected output: "Smith"

Exit the Redis prompt.


Connect to Dynomite

Next, connect to Dynomite.

redis-cli -p 8102

Enter the following commands at the redis-cli prompt which is now connected to Dynomite.

Each of the commands below are sent from the redis-cli client to the dynomite server which then forwards the request to the redis-server backend.

Get the value of fname.

get fname

Expected output: "Bob"

Get the value of lname.

get lname

Expected output: "Smith"

Change the value of fname.

set fname "Bill"

Get the new value of fname.

get fname

Expected output: "Bill"

Exit the Redis prompt.


Congratulations. You have successfully installed DynomiteDB in a single node configuration.