
The dynomite.yaml file supports many configuration options. Each option is described below along with default values and possible values.


  • Default value: localdc

The name of the data center (DC) that this node is contained within. Do not set a value for datacenter when running in single server mode. In cluster mode, set datacenter to the name of the data center, such as dc1.


  • Default value: localrack

The name of the rack that contains this node’s server. Do not set a value for rack when running in single server mode. In cluster mode, set rack to the name of the node’s rack, such as rack1.


  • Default value: none

listen is a string value that defines the hostname (or IP address) and port that Dynomite will listen on for incoming RESP requests. This defines the port that a Redis client will use to connect to Dynomite.

The default dynomite.yaml file sets the value of listen to which causes Dynomite to listen for incoming RESP requests on port 8102 on the loopback device.

Set listen to if you want to listen on all IP addresses used by the server.

Best practice is to set listen to the private IP address of the server to prevent external access to the Dynomite cluster.


  • Default value: none

dyn_listen is a string value that contains the hostname (or IP address) and port that Dynomite will use to communicate with other Dynomite nodes within the cluster.

Best practice is to set dyn_listen to the private IP address of the server to prevent external access to the Dynomite cluster.


  • Default value: 8101

The port used by dynomite for node-to-node communication including gossip. You will usually leave dyn_port undefined since the port will be set via dyn_listen.


  • Default value: none

dyn_seeds is an array of seeds provided as ip-address:port:rack:dc:token. Each seed must be listed on a separate line in the dynomite.yaml file.


  • Default value: simple_provider

Possible values:

  • simple_provider: Define the seeds manually in the dynomite.conf file.
  • florida_provider: Use the Dynomite manager to provide the seeds.
  • dns_provider: Use the DNS provider.

Use the default value of none for dyn_seed_provider when running Dynomite in a single server configuration.


  • Default value: none


  • Default value: 10000

The number of milliseconds before reads between Dynomite nodes timeout.


  • Default value: 10000

The number of milliseconds before writes between Dynomite nodes timeout.


  • Default value: murmur

The hash algorithm to use when hashing a key.

Possible values:

  • one_at_a_time
  • md5
  • crc16
  • crc32
  • crc32a
  • fnv1_64
  • fnv1a_64
  • fnv1_32
  • fnv1a_32
  • hsieh
  • murmur
  • jenkins
  • murmur3


  • Default value: none

The hash tag is a string that defines delimiters that cause the key hash to only use the portion of the key specified by the hash tag. In other words, Dynomite will only consider a substring within each key when generating a hash of the key.

hash_tag provides you with the ability to map multiple keys to the same server.

You must also define a value for distribution when using hash_tag.


  • Default value: vnode

Possible values:

  • ketama
  • modula
  • random
  • vnode
  • single

distribution defines how hashed keys are distributed across Dynomite nodes.


  • Default value: 5000

Timeout specified in milliseconds.


  • Default value: 512

On Linux, backlog defines the maximum length to which the queue of pending connections may grow. A connection request that arrives after the queue is full may receive an ECONNREFUSED error. backlog is set to the smaller of backlog or /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn.

On BSD, backlog defines the maximum length to which the queue of pending connections may grow. The real maximum queue length will be 1.5 times more than the value specified in the backlog argument. A connection request that arrives after the queue is full may receive an ECONNREFUSED error or a TCP connection may be silently dropped.


  • Default value: none

Defines the maximum number of client connections.


  • Default value: 0

data_store supports two possible values:

  • 0: RESP compatible server (such as Redis or a persistent DynomiteDB backend)
  • 1: Memcached

Use an integer value of 0 or 1 in the dynomite.yaml file.


  • Default value: true

By default, dynomite will preconnect to the backend server. Set preconnect to false to prevent dynomite from preconnecting to the backend server or servers in the pool.


  • Default value: true
  • Best practice: true

server_connections determines how many connections the dynomite server opens to a backend server, such as Redis or a persistent DynomiteDB backend.

Setting server_connections to a value greater than 1 removes the the ability of each dynomite process to guarantee read after write. This guarantee is when server_connections >= 1 as multiple backend connections may result in the read and write being sent to different connections which then causes a race condition.


  • Default value: 10000
  • Best practice: 30000

Set server_retry_timeout to a positive integer value to allow a previously ejected node to rejoin the cluster after server_retry_timeout milliseconds.


  • Default value: 2
  • Best practice: 3

server_failure_limit is used in conjunction with auto_eject_hosts to determine the number of consecutive failures after which a node is ejected from the cluster.


  • Default value:

servers defines the backend server in the form of backend-host:backend-port:weight. The backend may be a Redis, RocksDB, LMDB or other backend server supported by DynomiteDB.

The backend server should be located on the same VM or physical server as the dynomite process. When DynomiteDB is run on Kubernetes then the backend container should be located in the same pod as the dynomite container.


  • Default value: none

tokens is used to set the node token which defines the range of data tokens owned by the node.

The default formula to define a node token is shown below. numberOfNodesInRack is the number of nodes contained within a rack (availability zone on AWS) and nodeIndex is the zero-based index of the node.

nodeToken = (4294967295 / numberOfNodesInRack) * nodeIndex

For example, if a rack (AZ) has 3 nodes, then the node token for each node is shown below.

nodeToken1 = (4294967295 / 3) * 0 = 0

nodeToken2 = (4294967295 / 3) * 1 = 1431655765

nodeToken3 = (4294967295 / 3) * 2 = 2863311530


  • Default value: none

Sets the amount of time in milliseconds to sleep at the end of a gossip round.


  • Default value: none
  • Best practice: Depends on security requirements

secure_server_option determines which node-to-node communication will be encrypted.

secure_server_option supports four possible values:

  • none: Do not encrypt communication between nodes.
  • datacenter: Only encrypt communication between nodes that are in different DCs. Communication between nodes within the same DC is unencrypted.
  • rack: Encrypt communication between nodes in different racks and between nodes across DCs. Do not encrypt communication between nodes within the same rack within a DC.
  • all: Encrypt all communication between nodes. This is the most secure choice. However, it degrades performance the most.


  • Default value: /etc/dynomitedb/dynomite/dynomite.pem

The SSL public certificate (.pem) file used by Dynomite for secure node-to-node communication.

pem_key_file must specify the full path to the SSL .pem file that is used to encrypt communication between Dynomite nodes.


  • Default value: aws

Defines the default number of messages per second.


  • Default value: dc_one

CL = Consistency Level, so ReadCL = Read Consistency Level

read_consistency has two possible values:

  • dc_one: During a read request, one replica node must successfully respond to the coordinator with the requested data in order for the overall request to succeed.
  • dc_quorum: During a read request, a quorum (i.e. simple majority) of replica nodes must successfully respond to the coordinator with the requested data in order for the overall request to succeed.

write_consistency (default: dc_one)

  • Default value: dc_one

write_consistency has two possible values:

  • dc_one: During a write request, the coordinator synchronously writes to one replica node and asynchronously to other replica nodes. Only one replica node must successfully acknowledge the write request in order for the overall request to succeed.
  • dc_quorum: During a write request, the coordinator synchronously writes to a quorum (i.e. simple majority) of replica nodes and asynchronously to other replica nodes. A quorum of replica nodes must successfully acknowledge the write request in order for the overall request to succeed.