Key/Value API v0.5.8


Data types

Data modeling

String commands

List commands

Set commands

Sorted set commands

Hash commands


String data type

String data type

A String is an ordered sequence of bytes, not a string literal. Think of strings as an indexed array of bytes.

This means that you can store arbitrary data in a string, such as a string literal, an integer, or a float. You can also serialize JSON to a string or binary format and then store it in a string.

Introduction to String commands

You can SET and GET a string. A SET writes the string to the database and a GET returns the string. As with all data types, you access a string via its key.

You can APPEND to the end of a string and get the length of a string via STRLEN.

The fact that a string acts like an indexed array of bytes means that you can access substrings. SETRANGE allows you to overwrite a substring while GETRANGE allows you to query a substring.

The ability to append to a string combined with reading and writing substrings allows you to use a string for compact data storage.

Strings are often used for more than simple key/value storage. You can also use a string to store a serialized object or database row.